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Design, development and validation of a mobile application for goal setting and self-monitoring of dietary behaviors
(2016) Quesada López, Christian; Jensen Madrigal, Melissa Lorena; Zúñiga Flores, Giselle; Chinnock Mc'Neil, Anne Eliza; Jenkins Coronas, Marcelo
The potential of mobile technologies are being used increasingly has not been fully exploited in relation to health research. There are Application (app) stores have thousands of healthrelated apps in the market, but generally, what is available publicly has not been fully evaluated by experts. This paper presents a case study where Human-Computer Interaction techniques and agile methodologies were applied in the design, development and validation of a health system in an interdisciplinary project. The system consisted of a mobile software platform that includes a nutrition mobile application for dietary self-monitoring based on behavioral change techniques. The essential background on behavioral change is provided. The application was designed using contextual design and other DCU methodologies. The system architecture and the main features of the end user mobile application are shown. The prototype was evaluated by nutrition domain experts and the preliminary results suggest that the application can improve the nutrition care process by facilitating a more effective communication between nutritionists and patients.
Current use and perceived usefulness of mobile technologies in the practice of dietetics in Costa Rica
(2019) Quesada López, Christian; Zúñiga Flores, Giselle; Jensen Madrigal, Melissa Lorena; Jenkins Coronas, Marcelo
Over the past 15 years, there has been an increase in the use of information and communication technologies in the field health (eHealth), in particular regarding mobile technologies (mHealth). However, little is known about how nutritionists have such technologies in their practice in Costa Rica. The objective of this study was to identify how nutritionists use mobile technologies, as well as the perceived usefulness of different services that could be incorporated in their practice. We conducted an online survey, and the responses of 185 nutritionists were analyzed. Of the sample, 69.7% perceived that the use of mobile devices in nutrition is "very important" and "very useful" (77.3%) as a support to the nutrition care process. Although 79.5% showed their willingness to offer personalized mobile services, the use of such services in practice is scarce. According to our results, here are opportunities for the implementation of mobile technology services in areas such as the electronic health file, the self-monitoring of goal progress by the patient, as well as and reminders by the nutritionist.
Memoria anual 1988. Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno
(1989-03-15) Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM)
Se describe la actividad anual de 1988 de la Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno en los programas de investigación en: Agroambiente. UCR-MIRENEM. Investigación en Cereales. Investigación en Control de Malezas. Programa Nacional de Fresas. ICAFE-UCR-CAAP-CNAA. Programa de Macadamia. ICAFE-UCR. Programa de Investigación en Frutales de Altura. Programa de Investigación en Frutales Tropicales. Programa de Investigación en Hortalizas. Programa de Investigación en Horticultura Ornamental. Convenio UCR-CNAA-CAAP/CINDE. Programa de Investigación en Leguminosas de Grano. UCR-MAG. Programa Cooperativo de Plantas Medicinales y Especies y el Programa de Investigación en Recursos Fitogenéticos. UCR.
Factores culturales, sociales y fisiológicos que influyen en la disposición de aprendizaje del autocuidado de las usuarias en el puerperio inmediato: una revisión integrativa
(2024) Guerrero Veloza, Zulma Dayana; Manzanida Vargas, María Victoria; Rodríguez Artavia, Allan
El puerperio es una etapa en donde el cuerpo se recupera de los cambios físicos y hormonales experimentados durante la gestación y el parto, en especial en el puerperio inmediato. La atención de enfermería, particularmente sus intervenciones educativas, es vital para garantizar la salud y el bienestar, prevenir complicaciones, y problemas de salud a largo plazo del binomio. Sin embargo, se enfatizó en el estudio de la población de las usuarias de América Latina, pues aún se detectan vacíos en cómo realizar su autocuidado durante este periodo. Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica disponible sobre cómo los factores culturales, sociales y fisiológicos influyen en la disposición de aprendizaje del autocuidado de las usuarias en el puerperio inmediato. Metodología: Revisión integrativa a través de la búsqueda de literatura, en 5 bases de datos, entre los años 2018-2023, los datos se evaluaron mediante el instrumento para recolección de datos de revisión integrativa de RedENSO; el análisis se realizó a partir de la construcción de una matriz en Excel. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 19 estudios, los cuales respondían a las tres categorías determinadas por el objetivo: Factores culturales, sociales y fisiológicos. Conclusiones: Los factores culturales, sociales y fisiológicos impactan el aprendizaje del autocuidado en el puerperio inmediato. La interacción entre estos factores influye en las actitudes y prácticas de autocuidado, asimismo, los factores más relevantes son la complejidad culturalque varía entre comunidades, el apoyo social y la capacidad física para la recuperación del parto. Abordar estos factores de las intervenciones educativas de manera integral es crucial para promover un autocuidado efectivo materno-neonatal.
Traditional rural dietary pattern and all-cause mortality in a prospective cohort study of elderly Costa Ricans: the Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES)
(2024-07-04) Zhang, Yundan; Cortés Ortiz, Mónica V.; Leung, Cindy W.; Baylin, Ana; Rosero Bixby, Luis; Ruiz Narváez, Edward A.
Costa Rica, as many other Latin American countries, is experiencing a fast demographic aging. It is estimated that by 2030, 18.5% of the population, or almost 1 of every 5 Costa Ricans, will be 60 y or older, compared with 7.9% or 1 of every 13 Costa Ricans in 1999 [1]. As the population ages, chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and neurodegenerative disorders are expected to increase in prevalence posing growing challenges to the health of the Costa Rican population. With the demographic shift toward an aging population, there is an urgent need to study determinants of longevity and healthy aging. Diet—as part of a healthy lifestyle—is a key modifiable factor that may help to minimize the burden of age-related health conditions. Beans are a major source of protein and fiber in Costa Rican adults and part of traditional diets in most Latin American countries. High bean consumption has been found associated with a protective cardiometabolic prolife such as low total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol [2,3]. In the Costa Rican population specifically, intake of beans has been associated with lower risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction in middle-aged adults [4]. We recently reported that a traditional Costa Rican rural dietary pattern, rich in beans and rice, was associated with longer leukocyte telomeres—a marker of biologic aging—in Costa Rican adults 60 y and older [5]. However, no studies have examined whether adherence to a traditional diet in elderly Costa Ricans may also be associated with lower mortality. Because of the nutrition transition (i.e., a shift from traditional diets to an increased consumption of processed foods highs in sugars, fats, and salt) experienced by Costa Rica in the last decades [4,6,7], it is essential to evaluate the potential impact of traditional diets on promoting healthy aging and longevity within an aging population. In this study, we assessed the association between a traditional rural dietary pattern, as well as their major food components beans and rice, and all-cause mortality among elderly Costa Ricans aged 60 y and older at baseline. We hypothesized that higher scores on the traditional dietary pattern are associated with lower all-cause mortality in elderly Costa Ricans. We also assessed whether additional dietary patterns may be associated with all-cause mortality. We used longitudinal and nationally representative data from the Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES).