Volumen 4, Número 2

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/10669/13122


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  • Ítem
    Strategies for stress management: an analysis from the discipline of Guidance
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Porras Quirós, Wilbert; Araya Marín, Marianela; Fallas Fallas, Laura
    The Guidance discipline and the schools’ supervision, both of themfocused on prevention as the key to anticipate the development of personal and social problems. The main objective of this study is to explore strategies for stress management in a group of students from LiceoNocturno Alfredo González Flores. It is performed by the premises of the naturalistic paradigm and has a phenomenological approach. This work concludes with the need to examine the subject in this population, because there are multiple stress agents such as maternity, study and work among the students.
  • Ítem
    Bioaprendientes academic communities: emergency self-organizing in the context of higher education
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Chaverra Rodríguez, Luz Mery; Alzate Ortiz, Faber Andrés
    This article corresponds to the conceptual advances of research “ bioaprendientes academic communities : emergency self-organizing in the context of higher education “ , which currently is brewing as a doctoral thesis at the University of the Salle de Costa Rica , research project in which learning takes bio - alternative to the field of management in higher education institutions . This is a proposal that aims to stimulate the collective construction of academic communities capable of functioning as living systems , self-organized , dynamic and contextualized with the opportunities and internal and external needs . This theoretical reflection focuses on the trends , patterns and practices of educational management that deserve re-configuradas/re-significadas order to place them in tune with the times, which demands , other ways to live , dwell , work and also to other forms of relationship which involved the other and that.
  • Ítem
    Process Management continuing education for inclusive education at the Fernando Centeno Güell National Center for Special Education
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Castro García, Johanna
    This article summarizes the results of a descriptive, quantitative study which addrees continuing education needs of persons who have graduated from the University of Costa Rica Education program with a major in guidance counseling in the last five years, and who are currently employed in the field. The study’s relevance lies in its assertion that the professional development expected by society from guidance counselors can be achieved through continuing education. Employment requirements in the field are discussed, as are the social issues addressed by guidance counselors, and the professional development requirements they must fulfill. The study identifies basic themes and topics of interest for graduates in this field. In addition it considered the support that can be provided by the education manager.
  • Ítem
    Management Assessment for Mode I Schools from Northern Educational Region Circuit 6 in 2013
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Torres Sánchez, Ramón
    An management assessment was made of  3 Mode 1 public high schools belonging to the Northern Educational Region Circuit 6 in the Northern Region of Costa Rica in 2013. The general objectives were to assess and propose enhancements to management activities for the high schools participating in the study. The objectives specifically include: 1 – Acknowledging strengths and weaknesses in the schools´curriculum, teaching staff, financial limitations, educational resources and procedures.  2 – Determine the principal management strategies embraced by principals in teh aforementioned instittutions. The study is qualitative.  Findings include: principals overloaded with work, decontexualized content, general lack of motivation among teachers in the workplace and lack of adequate classrooms to provide a quality education
  • Ítem
    Management Strategy for an Ethics, Esthetics and Citizenship Program: A Comparative Study of High Schools in Regional Western School District 3 during the 2013 School Year
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Benavides Soto, Dernier Ángel; Murillo Vargas, Andreína; Navarra Carranza, María Elisa; Porras Berrocal, Gerardo Alonso; Vargas Rodríguez, Criss Dayana
    This article is an excerpt from a research project on developing an ethics, esthetics and citizenship management project in high schools from Western Regional Office 3, during the 2013 schoolyear. Participating high schools include Julio Acosta García Institute, Palmares Bilingual High School and Naranjo High School, all public high schools. The aforementioned institutions are day schools covering a Cycle III Diversified curriculum. The study is descriptive and based on combined or multimodal methodological techniques involving both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The author interviewed students from the Executive Student Body Committee and school administrators as well as teachers who were asked to participate in a survey. The research concludes that more strategies must be put in place to fully develop an Ethics, Esthetics and Citizenship Program. Based on the criteria of the faculty, administrators and students, project management is a weakness and requires better planning, leadership, organization and assessment of activities to ensure a successful output.
  • Ítem
    Continuing Education – A Need among Licensed Guidance Counselors Supported by Educational Management
    (2014-07-01 00:00:00) Valenciano Canet, Grettel
    This article summarizes the results of a descriptive, quantitative study which addrees continuing education needs of persons who have graduated from the University of Costa Rica Education program with a major in guidance counseling in the last five years, and who are currently employed in the field. The study’s relevance lies in its assertion that the professional development expected by society from guidance counselors can be achieved through continuing education. Employment requirements in the field are discussed, as are the social issues addressed by guidance counselors, and the professional development requirements they must fulfill. The study identifies basic themes and topics of interest for graduates in this field. In addition it considered the support that can be provided by the education manager.